Standard Trellises

  • Trellis:

    "It's a fun new way to love my plants and honestly, an excuse to buy more. Plus, I love that the trellises allow me to bring my own style into my space."

    Lindsay S.

  • Trellis:

    "I like these (stakes) because they are coated so they will not rot in the soil. That is so nice, it's got that coating on there."

    Erin K. 

  • Trellis:

    "My plants love their FloraTrel! I have several plants that needed some extra support so they could grow taller and they are thriving now. I especially love the variety of different Floratrel so each plant can be unique."


Support for Your Plants

Image of Trellis in pot with plants, highlighting the features of the trellis.

What Others are Saying

  • "So, truely honestly, like i have built my whole entire here tik tok here on reviewing small businesses things and honestly, they never freakin' disappoint. These are so easy to stack up so your beautiful plant can have something to lean on and grow and thrive and the fact that theyre sustainable is even better..."

    Juni, @juni.plants

    PRODUCT PICTURED: The Propagator

    "So, truely honestly, like i have built my whole entire here tik tok here on reviewing small businesses things and honestly, they never freakin' disappoint. These are so easy to stack up so your beautiful plant can have something to lean on and grow and thrive and the fact that theyre sustainable is even better..."

    Juni, @juni.plants

  • "i like these (stakes) because they are coated so they will not rot in the soil. I know I've got one trellis that is similar to this and it does not have the coating and it's coming out and I'm going to replace it with these. That is so nice, it's got that coating on there. " 

    Erin, tiktok @erinkeys79

    PRODUCT PICTURED: The Bee Keeper

    "i like these (stakes) because they are coated so they will not rot in the soil. I know I've got one trellis that is similar to this and it does not have the coating and it's coming out and I'm going to replace it with these. That is so nice, it's got that coating on there. " 

    Erin, tiktok @erinkeys79

  • "I'm super excited. They're so modern and they fit my aesthetic so nicely, like these are made out of bamboo. They are super soft to the touch but they're really sturdy. You can fit so much through these holes, I mean, it is so cool, I've never seen trellises like these." 

    Chelsea, tiktok @plantyprobs256

    PRODUCTS PICTURED: The ArboristThe Thinker

    "I'm super excited. They're so modern and they fit my aesthetic so nicely, like these are made out of bamboo. They are super soft to the touch but they're really sturdy. You can fit so much through these holes, I mean, it is so cool, I've never seen trellises like these." 

    Chelsea, tiktok @plantyprobs256

  • "I love these, as you can see, they have different sizes and different shapes. What I like about these is that they're made of bamboo which is sustainable and these are actually pretty thick these, I don't think that they're gonna wobble." 

    Donna, tiktok @DonnaLikesPlants

    PRODUCT PICTURED: The Sappling

    "I love these, as you can see, they have different sizes and different shapes. What I like about these is that they're made of bamboo which is sustainable and these are actually pretty thick these, I don't think that they're gonna wobble." 

    Donna, tiktok @DonnaLikesPlants